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Sustainability at Dyson

Engineers instinctively look to improve efficiency and make things work better. We always try to do more with less, in the right way – whether in engineering, education, farming or good works.

Birds-eye view of Dyson campus in Malmesbury.

"For an engineer, the creative impulse, the desire to improve the world, and the need to solve problems, are a state of mind which cannot be switched off."

James Dyson

Generating less waste

Doing more with less

The less raw material we use, the less energy-intensive processing is required. As we develop our technology further, and people increasingly use renewable energy, the impact will reduce further still.

Person holding the old and new Dyson digital motors.

Efficient technologies

By improving core technology and using resources effectively, we can do more with less, making increasingly efficient machines.

Invention requires leaps of faith and the desire to try new approaches – cyclones rather than wasteful bags and high-speed air rather than energy-hungry heaters.

Helping your business to reduce its impact

Led by engineers

At Dyson, we're driven by innovative engineering, stemming from our founder, James Dyson. From day one we have used science, engineering and behavioural change to reduce the impact of our business and our technology.

The Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology

The Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology educates through engineering, with undergraduates working on everything from pollution-sensing backpacks to helping develop new technologies.

Dyson graduates throwing their mortar boards in the air.
  • The James Dyson Award

    The James Dyson Award challenges young engineers and scientists to solve some of the biggest problems facing the world today. From technology that improves accessibility, to technology that tackles environmental challenges. With an increasing amount of environmentally-focused projects submitted each year around the world, the competition now has a dedicated Sustainability Award.

  • The James Dyson Foundation

    The James Dyson Foundation is Dyson's engineering education charity that helps promote change to young inventors, by introducing them to the exciting world of problem solving – from the Safety Net that encourages more sustainable fishing to the Plastic Scanner that helps with efficient recycling.

Our Spaces

Since our efforts, 82% of Dyson spaces now use renewable energy. With 100% of Dyson direct manufacturing now running on green energy.3

Renewable energy on campus

Our newest UK research, design, and development space is equipped with solar panels – producing enough energy to power the entire building. A ground source heat pump under the car park saves energy by regulating the temperature inside the building and keeping our IT server centre cool.

We’re installing new energy monitoring equipment across all our sites for further savings, including thermal drone imaging across our buildings to help identify leaks and ensure our buildings were as efficient as possible.

Energy-promoting solar panels.

Renovating old into new

The places in which we work have always been important to Dyson. Just as our machines are built to be durable and sustainable, we take the same approach with our physical properties too, helping to restore landmark buildings to their former glory.